Feels good to be a gangsta

This week has been amazing, I'll have to say. Not necessarily in a "awesome!" kind of way, but I'm just amazed at all that's gone into this week. Lots of effort, lots of procrastination, lots of fun.
Thursday was Diadeloso. I had planned to wake up early and start work on my gigantic research paper over the West Nile virus that was due tonight at midnight - but of course that didn't happen. So I woke up at 10 a.m., and watched "Office Space" with Ballard. Then I showered and lazied myself over to campus, where I saw some of my friends attempt to get hypnotized. It was quite entertaining. Then I flopped around and talked to people. Then, to further the procrastination, I tried to round up a posse to go get some Sonic. The posse ended up being two people, because I'm not a very convincing guy. But that was good times. Cherry limeades all around.
I was reminded, at this point, why I just like shooting the breeze with people over a cherry limeade. I've said it before, but good conversation is really fulfilling. Just like a good lime.
Then I kicked it at the library for a while, doing some reading/research for this crap-o paper. Not fun at all. Then I went to Sonic again. Yep, still good.

And then I continued with the research. After that, I shook it over to the Burleson Quadrangle, where our friendly BU staff was showing "Ferris Be....ler's Day Off." Directly following the movie - student government election results were announced. Crazy stuff. So then I went to work and then went back to the library and did research 'til 5 a.m.
It's morning! Wake up! 8:30 a.m. - I have class at 9. My hair was all nappy and stuff, but my German teacher won't let us wear hats in her class. So I had to wash the junk, ironically making me late for class. So I went to class, then in the SUB I ate some of the crappiest breakfast ever. Two more classes, then library 'til 3 or so. While typing up my paper, I bought a new mic off EBay. Good use of library time? Yeah, I think so.
Hungry - go home. What greeted me at the door? Two friggin' huge boxes. Uh huh. New PA speakers. I open them up and inspect my purchase - very nice. Write paper for 8,000 hours. Blog. Die.