'Everyone is waiting'Interesting evening. I've really enjoyed myself. I got back in from College Station, and I went to church, then caught a flick with the Bush.
Love is patient
After much debate, and the smuggling of a bagel by Yours Truly, the Bush and I made it to the 10:15 showing of "The Terminal." I didn't know how I would like it; Seth said it was good, but I read a review that gave it a "C."
Well, Seth and Clint have both taken their turns at praising the aforementioned film ... so I'll follow suit. I loved it. Loved it. It was brilliant. Of all the things to extol, I think I liked the pacing best of all. I mean, this was a movie about a guy who sleeps in a terminal - but I was on the edge of my seat the entire time. The anticipation was just right.
Hanks was great, too. I was worried for a bit, that the accent would start to get corny - but it didn't. Hanks is an amazing catt. I think he might make my list of "cool people to have lunch with." And I was also pretty pumped that Pagoda had a significant part. I like that guy.
Waiting for direction
Another random event this evening. Church ... tonight, we had our Bible study / discussion time with the high school group. As a response to a video, we started discussing "mission statements" and having purposes for our lives.
I'm normally one to zone out at any mention of "purpose," being unsure of my career and future. But the context for the discussion this evening made me think a bit harder. I had to tie together a long list of passions and interests with a single, common characteristic.
The tie I found was one of revelation. I began to contemplate my passions, skills and interests, and I realized that they all deal with a sort of "storytelling" or "journaling." I think my desire is to use art and literature to discern and bring light to truth.
Songwriting - bringing light to situations, emotions ... Journalism - bringing light to the world around us ... Photography - using imagery to bring light to the things and people in our lives. All these are forms of documentation - ways to organize and present the truth to a society who overlooks so much. I think it's my job to show reality to others ... to reveal hurt and joy and love and triumph ... That's the vision I got this evening.
Stuff to ponder... If you had a mission, a purpose, what would it be?