Monday, February 28, 2005


In my last post, I mentioned a show in Lubbock this weekend. What I neglected to mention is that it's on Friday night. So here are ALL the details.

PLACE: Sugar Brown's (4818 50th Street)
Date: Friday, March 4th
TIME: 8:30 p.m.
CITY:Lubbock, TX
with THE Marshall Hooper

Tell yo' peeps.

Sunday, February 27, 2005

Postcards, letters, and long-distance calls

Fly music you should check out. Thanks, weekend.

Doug Burr

I'm a big fan of Doug Burr. Really swell alt-gospel stuff. I saw him play last night, and I picked up a copy of his "solo debut" (he is also the frontman for The Lonelies). But Steve Collins produced that record, and it's splendid. Just splendid.

Ray Lamontagne

Check out Ray Lamontagne. Some pretty sweet tunes. Sarah played me some of his stuff in January, and every time I see Steve Collins, he talks about him. Ethan Johns produced Ray's new record. And his real name is Raycharles. Yeah. After Ray Charles.

Other stuff ...

I played in College Station on Friday night, and it was hella-sweet. Much fun. Blake played the djembe/tamborine/shaker ... he's a stud. And let's just talk about that Diff'rent Strokes theme song ... None of those silly Aggies knew what it was. I just got a bunch of blank stares ... Anyway, I didn't have to sleep on Blake's floor this time, because all of Kyle's suitemates were out of town. We watched "Back To The Future," which is still awesome.

If anybody cares, "The Storms Inside" is up on It might say "out of stock," but I shipped more. So they should arrive. Believe it. I sold a few of those suckers in College Station this weekend, which was nice. I'm playing in Lubbock next weekend with Marshall Hooper. So if you know anyone in Lubbock, tell them to show up at Sugar Brown's (4818 50th Street) at 8:30 p.m.

I had lunch with some McKinney peeps today, and certainly enjoyed myself. Jess and I talked about the clubs and stuff we made up as kids. And also that we buried a time capsule one year at Thanksgiving, and dug it up at Christmas.

Friday, February 25, 2005

Together we'll be fine ...

I'm playing in College Station tonight, and I'm doing the theme song from the above television show. Mess yeah.

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Only connect ...

If you possess even the slightest love for art, read this quote a few times. Chew on it. Don't be afraid ...

The poet, in utter solitude remembering his spontaneous thoughts and recording them, is found to have recorded that which men in crowded cities find true for them also. The orator distrusts at first the fitness of his frank confessions, his want of knowledge of the persons he addresses, until he finds that he is the compliment of his hearers; that they drink his words because he fulfils for them their own nature; the deeper he dives into his privatest, secretest presentiment, to his wonder he finds this is the most acceptable, most public, and universally true. The people delight in it; the better part of every man feels, This is my music; this is myself.
-Ralph Waldo Emerson, "The American Scholar"

Now read that again. It's beautiful.

Monday, February 21, 2005

It's strange

What I need right now is a midnight walk in a vibrant city. I'm feeling really detached from my culture.

Saturday, February 19, 2005


Yep. You thought you saw the last of it. Here's more.

You can't get enough ...

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Googlin' fun!

Blake, in his latest blog entry, has made it known that one will find a photo of me when doing a Google image search for "Brian Phillips." I'm within the top 20 results. Don't believe it? Check this out. Bottom row.

What Blake failed to mention, is that when doing a Google image search for "Carlton Phillips" (Blake's first name), a photo of him is the #1 result. Don't believe it? Check THIS out. Number one, baby.

Sunday, February 13, 2005


I just found out that my American Lit test, scheduled for tommorw, is postponed until Wednesday. Partay.

It's been a crazy weekend. I like that rock'n'roll stuff. A lot. The release and whatnot was much fun, as were the following metroplex shows. I ate at Carraba's with my parents and grandmother on Saturday afternoon, so that was fly.

I went to the library for a bit early this evening to read a book. Yeah... I totally fell asleep on a couch. I don't know how long I slept, but it must have been a while ... Everyone was giving me "the eye" when I awoke. The book I was reading certainly didn't help my chronic sleep depravity. "Chemistry In The Whispering Caves" is like gutting an animal and calling it "literature." Terrible. It's full of grammatical errors, misspelled names and bad writing ... not to mention improper punctuation and a random change of font.

Happy Valentine's Day to all, I suppose. And "happy anniversary" to my parents, pictured below.

Saturday, February 12, 2005


Four shows in about 49 hours. Rock and friggin' roll.

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

2:30 a.m. thoughts

Self-promotion, though an absolute rock-n-roll necessity, makes me feel like a prostitute.

I'm on my last pack of gum ... Must buy more.

I don't have time to finish "The Picture of Dorian Gray" before class tomorrow.

I wish we spelled "gray" with an "e" - like "grey." The "e" gives it the feel of a melancholy-romantic haze.

Being out in the humid Texas wind for an extended period of time makes my face feel nasty.

Maybe I'll wear a hat - then they can't see me.

Grape juice is the best source of comfort ... It's like aloe vera for the soul.

Monday, February 07, 2005

The Storms Inside

CD release party this Thursday night at The Coffee Haus, 9 p.m. Prepare yo'self.

Yeah, that's about all that's going down this week. That and a Brit Lit test. And I ate at "Clay Pot" today ... it was hella-sweet.

I spent yesterday evening at the library, reading Washington Irving. He's swell. Tonight, it's all about Oscar Wilde. Then I (and whoever would like to join) will cover the Baylor campus in posters advertising the release show. 11 p.m. ... Holla back if you want a piece of the action. And holla back if you want a TheBrianShow T-shirt.