9:30 p.m. - Common Grounds

So I'm playing tonight (Thursday) with Marshall, 9:30 p.m. at Common Grounds. All you Waco catts ought to come and check it out. I'm playing the drums. Yeah, that's right. And it's pretty entertaining.
So I'm playing tonight (Thursday) with Marshall, 9:30 p.m. at Common Grounds. All you Waco catts ought to come and check it out. I'm playing the drums. Yeah, that's right. And it's pretty entertaining.
1. I received an item in the mail I'd ordered off ebay.com. It was a joke ... a load of crap. What would have been a cool gift turned out to be an embarrassment. So, I left "negative feedback" on the ebay seller's profile and sent him a harsh e-mail. What a crook. Then today, he left negative feedback on mine, JUST because I had done it to him. But I was fair with mine ... he was retarded. So I'm kind of pissed off about that at the moment.
2. My beloved Exxon Coffee Haus, believe it or not, is on my blacklist. I'm calling all lovers of justice to boycott this establishment. After running with Kristen, we went to Subway. Because I wasn't in the mood for Subway, I got a normal-sized Eskimocha (basically a coffee slurpee). It couldn't be more than, what, $1.25? That makes sense, right? There were no prices posted, so I just assumed. Well, I saunter up to the counter, and the girl tells me "That'll be $3.78" ... Are you kidding? It's like ice and air! So I'm quite pissed at the Exxon station right now ... Let's put 'em out of business.
In other news, I've lost the will to function like a normal human. I spend my days inside musical notes, lying on the floor of my dark apartment.
Have a great week!
Marshall and I shot a couple rolls of film for a promotional poster. HERE are my picks.
I've spent the past three afternoons on the telephone, trying to book a tour for the fall. Rather frustrating. I really should pay myself for these services.
I've opted to free myself from the clutches of the internet, and thus I have installed no such services in my new apartment. This way, I'm forced to go to the library to check e-mail and all that ... so I'll be wasting much less of my time. Unfortunately for you, dear reader, this also means that I'll be blogging considerably less often. But it's cool. I'm clensing myself.
Speaking of clensing ... Bush and I went for about 5 days with no electricity. I must say, it was much more exciting that I had anticipated. And, luckily, our apartment stayed relatively cool.
I have so far spent this, the Summer of 2005, reading, going to class, playing piano, moving furniture, running, drinking protein shakes, and spending time with friends. End of paragraph.
This Thursday, I'm going to see Ryan Adams and the Cardinals at Stubb's in Austin. I don't think I could be any more excited. I promise I'll post my concert review/response shortly thereafter.
I'll be attending a wedding tonight ... Don't think I'll post a response to that. But maybe I will. You never know.
Two days ago, thinking I would purchase a banjo, myself and the Bush headed to Laverty's. I did not, in fact, leave with a banjo. Rather, I left with a strange instrument I'll define as a hybrid two-octave piano and lap steel. I'll have to post some pictures of that little guy. I think it's homemade ... There were two at Laverty's, along with an old concert poster. The artist billed on the poster was the owner (and perhaps the designer/builder) of these wacky music machines.
I'm all out. See you kids later.