Over the mountains we go

A thousand apologies for my lack of updates. I'll go ahead and say that there's "a lot" going on right now. Nothing too immediate, but lots of long-range plans are taking shape.
The tour for this fall is slowly coming together. I finally booked a couple of shows in Austin, so that's kind of a big deal. I'm working hard right now to generate press in the cities I play ... plant reviews, blurbs, etc. So if anyone knows any entertainment editors, holla back.
I met with Steve The Producer the other day, and he helped me brainstorm and design a post-graduation career strategy. So now I'm negotiating with Borders to sponsor a national tour for next summer, and I'm going to attempt to tour as a supporting act next fall. So we'll see what happens there.
As for the immediate stuff, Patrick and I are taking some of the high school guys camping at Enchanted Rock this weekend. I bought a sweet head lamp to wear when we crawl through the caves. I also decided to purchase a big-ass MAG-LITE ... I am now a real man. All real men need a good MAG-LITE.
Let's talk about Ray LaMontagne for a second. He played at La Zona Rosa in Austin on Friday night, so I went to check it out. Let's just say that Mr. LaMontagne is more of a spirit than a real human. Sometimes, he would belt the music at the top of his lungs, and sometimes he was inaudible. A dynamic performer. The three or four words he said between songs were mumbled so low that no one heard them. Ray is the most detached and inaccessible artist around ... but that just adds to the mystery. Overall, a great show.
Blake and Greg Scott The Insomniac joined me on my little excursion. Of course, they didn't get tickets beforehand, and the show was sold out. So they ended up paying scalpers far too much ... but ... they got in, and that's all that matters.
That's really all that's happening in my life at the moment. Just comsumed by music and all. I figured I'd update, anyhow. Peace.