In class today, I made a long list of faith-related issues that bring me misery ... these are problems that I cannot resolve, questions that seem to have no answer. These are the things that pull me away from Christianity. Allow me to share these with you ... I want to hear your thoughts.
I'm only going to pose one question at a time. After a couple of days, I'll create another post containing a different question ... and so on ...
Question 1
Is thoughtless faith more legitimate than thoughtful disbelief? I have trouble believing that an unquestioning, childlike faith is the key to salvation ... that allows one to live a life of complacent ignorance and denial.
Perhaps salvation is found in my willingness to struggle and plague myself with hard questions. One who wrestles with the identity and truth of God is one who lives in the trenches of faith. If I don't doubt Christ, I don't think about Christ. But even in my doubt, my thoughts about faith are much more serious than the thoughts of those who never question their beliefs.
Everyone doubts, whether or not they choose to admit it. Maybe salvation exists only for those who don't deny their doubt, but, rather, choose to live with it. Perhaps "the saved" are those who willingly sacrifice confidence in their own salvation.